August 20, 2006

Upcoming radio debate about the prospective legalization of hemp

[OK, it's no longer upcoming, I'm a couple days late finding this one..but still...maybe there's a transcript or two to be had somewhere?]
by t.rios
This Saturday (08-18-2006) at 9AM Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R) and Author John Roulac for a conversation about the prospective legalization of hemp. A FOOD CHAIN RELEASE FROM METROFARM.COM

They say it’s a $250,000,000 crop waiting to be planted—but there is one hurdle. It is illegal. This leads one to ask, “Should the United States legalize the cultivation of ‘industrial’ hemp?

This Saturday at 9AM Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R) and Author John Roulac for a conversation about the prospective legalization of hemp.

Log on to listen live or delayed, on your radio, computer or IPOD

Topics include what differences exist, if any, between hemp and marijuana; why it is legal to import hemp into the United States, but not legal to farm it; and what impact the legalization of hemp might have on the nation’s drug use.

Listeners are invited to call the program on their local station.
Forum of the week: “Should the United States legalize the cultivation of ‘industrial’ hemp?”


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